Friday, December 23, 2011

Confidence, Or A Lack Of

It has been a rough week, and I'm not sure why.  I have been apprenticing now for about 5 months, and until now was feeling pretty good about the pace at which I've been learning.  My grooms, though far from perfect, have been improving, and I generally feel like I'm turning out dogs that I'm proud to give back to their owners. 

Then came this week.  It began with the fact that I'm finally doing poodles and just don't feel like I have the scissor control to make them look right.  Then there is my speed, or lack of.  I know I should be doing grooms in less than 2 hours, but for me to put out a dog that I'm proud of, I just can't seem to get them done in less.  That scares me, now that I'm ready to begin renovations on the garage to turn it into my shop.

Will I be ready when the time comes to open?
Will I enjoy it when I'm working full days?
Can I turn out quality dogs?
Will I be able to handle the more difficult/aggressive dogs?
Will my body allow me to keep doing this?

All these questions keep spinning around in my head.  I just keep pushing forward, hoping that all the doubts and fears will melt away as I continue to do what I'm doing.  Today is better. Of course, I slept better and didn't wake up in pain during the night for the first time in weeks.  I suppose only time will tell.  But I'm committed now, so I'll just keep trudging forward and looking forward to being self employed.

Am I the only person who faces such a staggering lack of confidence when they first start grooming?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Black Dog, White Dog

I am finding something that surprises me greatly.  I have difficulty seeing black dogs.  My depth perception and inability to see those 'standie outies' are frustrating me beyond measure!  I would have thought it would be much more difficult to see a white dog than a black one. Not so. At least not for me.  Yesterday I did a black poodle. It was a struggle. I forgot the before pic, but not the 'after' shot.

Apparently my camera has a similar issue. Or maybe I can't even see the black dog in a photo.  

I also did a WHITE dog with much better results lol. Here is her before. Her mom didnt want much taken off since its getting colder.

And here she is after:

Still so much learning to do. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Frustration of Designing my Shop

Today has been a long day.  I am beginning the process of converting my unattached garage into a salon.  As part of the planning process I conferred with people who know a little about the process: My ex (the plumber), my mother (a groomer of 17 years), her fiance (a contractor), and another friend who just happened to stop by and offer his advice to add to the pool.  Until today, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Now I'm being pulled in different directions.

I understand the need to keep things close together to minimize all the extra steps between  cages, tub and table.  I also know that I would get to feeling very claustrophobic in too small a space. Initially I wanted an open floor plan, something with plenty of room to move around in.  But in taking all the advice I've recieved into account my work space has been effectively cut into a third. I'm just not sure how I'm feeling about it.

The placement of a toilet is the most difficult part of the design.  Unless I put the enterance to it in the lobby, nothing is the modified floor plan flows efficiently.  I think that is what I'm going to have to do.  I suppose that will also keep clients out of my groom room if they have a toileting emergency.

At this point, my head hurts, but I feel like I'm reaching some sort of compromise.  I'm still not completely happy with the design, and suppose I wont be sure of anything until I get out there and measure everything to see how it all fits together, and how much room is left over.  I'll admit this is not my favorite part, and I'll be glad when it's all said and done, and the work begins.   I'm just a tad overwhelmed by all the decisions to be made!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Leisurely Day and a Schnauzer

This morning started off slowly, so I spent the first part of the day making bows.  It's always fun to mix ribbons and make something different.  In addition, Mom brought her hot glue gun so I could attach Christmas bells to my bows.  Here are just a few.

Finally, the dogs began to arrive. 

It was schnauzer day!

So... I got to do a beautiful schnauzer. It was a bit intimidating. She had really long eyelashes that her mom wanted to keep. I was so afraid I'd cut them off when I did the eyebrows. Yay for me, I SAVED them!  I forgot to get my before pictures, but I did NOT forget the afters.  What a sweet girl she was.

The name I've chosen for my shop is "Cameo Canine Grooming Salon" .  The logo will be an oval cameo of a dogs head.  After doing this darling schnauzer today, I believe I will make the dog in the cameo a schnauzer.  What do you think?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rug, anyone?

As I learned today, there are times when I will be faced with circumstances that both annoy and sadden me.  Today we had a sweet elderly cocker come in to get groomed.  She had a thick, beautiful curly coat. But beneath the coat was the evidence that the poor girl hadn't been brushed since God only knows when.  So mom and I worked together to free the girl from this horrible pelted coat.

It's difficulty to see the pelted mat here, but thats one big mat hanging down after removing the larger mats from her back.  (Another thing I learned today, is that I have a really hard time seeing anything on black dogs!)

By the time she was done, she looked and felt so much better. It was fun to watch how she rolled around like a pup in her towel once the mats were removed.

I certainly don't mean to pass judgement on the owner of this dog.  Only they know the circumstances that led to her becoming so terribly matted.  It saddens me that the dog had to suffer the discomfort, regardless of the circumstances.  I sure hope this is the last time she has to endure a day like this.

I thought I'd also take a picture and share my work station at mom's shop.  It's not much, but it's my own little space with my own tools. It's my happy place.

Tomorrow should be another busy day. Maybe I'll remember to take pictures of more of the dogs!

Friday, December 9, 2011

My First Poodle.

Today I got to do my first poodle from start to finish.  Here he is when he arrived:

As I've learned, the first rule of grooming: Do what the customer wants as long as it doesn't or won't cause the dog distress.  For this groom, because he is an outside dog, we did not poodle foot him. He also doesn't have a pom on his tail.  He was done with a 3 3/4 blade.  Here is what he looked like after his groom.

All in all, I felt pretty good about this groom. There were a few things I just couldn't figure out how to make look better, but he was pretty squirmy with that head. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Color

Today Max came into the shop again, and I got to play with color.  I always enjoy it, though I'm not very brave with it yet.  But he looked good and his mommy loved it.

I find going back and forth in my confidence lever.  I have become pretty comfortable with certain drop coated breeds like the shi tzu, and curly coats like the poodles, but I have to be honest when I say that other breeds still scare the poop out of me. 

Today I began working on a long haired Yorkie. It was working on a jumping marshmallow. She was so delicate and just wouldn't stay still. Her hair was all over the place, staticky in spite of the anti static spray I used, and trying to clean up her sanitary area while fearing I was going to cut off that long hair that kept falling in the way... ugh!  I know I have to do them to get over the fear. Like mom says, its hair, it will grow back. But I'm just so afraid of screwing up something I can't fix.  I'm so ready to be comfortable and competent with all the breeds, but I know I have so much left to learn. (scissoring, hand stripping, carding, and many different breed styles.)  

My goal is to really pick up the pace and have my shop opened by March first, and to quit nursing by mid May. I'm not sure it's an optimistic goal, but one I'm shooting for just the same.  

Happy Holidays, everyone!