Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rug, anyone?

As I learned today, there are times when I will be faced with circumstances that both annoy and sadden me.  Today we had a sweet elderly cocker come in to get groomed.  She had a thick, beautiful curly coat. But beneath the coat was the evidence that the poor girl hadn't been brushed since God only knows when.  So mom and I worked together to free the girl from this horrible pelted coat.

It's difficulty to see the pelted mat here, but thats one big mat hanging down after removing the larger mats from her back.  (Another thing I learned today, is that I have a really hard time seeing anything on black dogs!)

By the time she was done, she looked and felt so much better. It was fun to watch how she rolled around like a pup in her towel once the mats were removed.

I certainly don't mean to pass judgement on the owner of this dog.  Only they know the circumstances that led to her becoming so terribly matted.  It saddens me that the dog had to suffer the discomfort, regardless of the circumstances.  I sure hope this is the last time she has to endure a day like this.

I thought I'd also take a picture and share my work station at mom's shop.  It's not much, but it's my own little space with my own tools. It's my happy place.

Tomorrow should be another busy day. Maybe I'll remember to take pictures of more of the dogs!


  1. Hi,
    I have been reading your blog and I have to say that I am very impressed.
    Did I read correctly?
    You have only been grooming for 5 or 6 months! Your grooming is very good. Your scissoring looks very clean, and you did a fantastic job on the Cocker. Grooming a matted pelted coat can really test the skills of a groomer, and you passed with flying colors.
    You go girl!
    I am sure you are a great Nurse, but you most defiantly have a natural talent and eye for grooming.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work. :)
    My Furry Friends

  2. Thank you so much, Lisa. I can't take all the credit on the cocker. Mom and I worked on her together. It was quite overwhelming, but hopefully I'll get better at it. I'm still working on my confidence level lol, but every day gets better. So glad you've joined us here.
