Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Color

Today Max came into the shop again, and I got to play with color.  I always enjoy it, though I'm not very brave with it yet.  But he looked good and his mommy loved it.

I find going back and forth in my confidence lever.  I have become pretty comfortable with certain drop coated breeds like the shi tzu, and curly coats like the poodles, but I have to be honest when I say that other breeds still scare the poop out of me. 

Today I began working on a long haired Yorkie. It was working on a jumping marshmallow. She was so delicate and just wouldn't stay still. Her hair was all over the place, staticky in spite of the anti static spray I used, and trying to clean up her sanitary area while fearing I was going to cut off that long hair that kept falling in the way... ugh!  I know I have to do them to get over the fear. Like mom says, its hair, it will grow back. But I'm just so afraid of screwing up something I can't fix.  I'm so ready to be comfortable and competent with all the breeds, but I know I have so much left to learn. (scissoring, hand stripping, carding, and many different breed styles.)  

My goal is to really pick up the pace and have my shop opened by March first, and to quit nursing by mid May. I'm not sure it's an optimistic goal, but one I'm shooting for just the same.  

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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